Sunday, August 5, 2007

30/06/07: British Museum Day I

It had been raining all week. And I was poor. So very poor. So I had to limit my outings to no-entry-fee locations. Like the British Museum! So on went my Gortex and out came the Kathmandu brollie and off I went. It was jam-packed. There are over a hundred rooms at the British Museum, and with my usual ‘Pffth! What’s a hundred rooms?!’ attitude, quite determined to see all of them, I started at room number one.

Two and a half hours later I got to room three. Absolutely knackered. I couldn’t quite figure out how that was possible. All I did was walk around and read up on the history of collecting, clocks, and Egyptian statues. Still. I guess what that essentially meant was that it would take me around 100+ hours to do the whole place. That’s about five days without sleep…

It was amazing how humongous some of those stone slabs were. And they’d somehow managed to drag them all back across the sea from Egypt and into this building. The photos don’t really capture the sheer size of some of these things. And I guess it just goes to show just how big the actual museum itself is as well.

My favourite of the day? The little seals! Not the pinniped kind, the signature kind. There was a small collection of casts and moulds used for making individual seals, and the itty bitty details were quite impressive.

Recommended. Well worth a visit. Details and photos here.

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