Saturday, August 25, 2007

20/07/07: British Museum II

Not too much excitement here. Ash picked me up from school and, since he had not visited the museum on this trip, we decided to make a quick visit. Ash has a keen interest in Asian culture, religions and belief systems, so that was the area we visited. There weren’t that many photos taken. Both of us were tired, weary, and feeling somewhat melancholic what with it being Ash’s last day here tomorrow. We walked around the Asian exhibit – there didn’t seem to be much history behind a lot of the south-east Asian nations compared to the Chinese sections.

1 comment:

MissE said...

Hey Tan
I loved the British museum when I was in London all those years ago.

I think I spent 3 days going through it and didn't get half of it covered.

Feels like forever since I saw you last.

How you doing?