Thursday, September 27, 2007

09/08/07: Golden Valley Tree Park

Chris was still on holidays, and this morning, I had a job interview at a high school near where we’re building the new house. So he drove me to the interview, which went well, and we went home feeling not much like doing any work.

So Chris and I, being Chris and I, hopped into the car and just drove. And we ended up at the Golden Valley Tree Park. Never had a clue it even existed. It was literally one of those ‘turn down here and let’s see where this road goes’ finds. There was no one there but us, and the weather was absolutely miserable.

We’d packed our usual picnic (crackers, salami, kabana, brie, sun-dried tomatoes, dip and drinks) and went for a walk through the park afterwards. It was sweet. Nothing particularly special as a park, but certainly a nice place to go to for a picnic and stuff.

Maybe 3 stars our of 5 I’d say.

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