Tuesday, September 25, 2007

28/07/07: British Museum IV

Seeing as I’d be leaving in just a few days, Rachel and I decided to meet up one last time. She came down from Cambridge despite being fluey and I walked up and met her at King’s Cross Station. From there, we decided to just take a walk and hang out. We walked for quite a bit and came across some very interesting signs. Like the ‘Goodenough College’ – clearly the school of choice for the working class of London; and the park where the sign read that no one can enter unless accompanied by a child under 12. Which of course meant that we ended up walking to Russell Square and buying our lunch from the Tesco nearby. Don’t get me wrong though. It was actually quite enjoyable. Eventually, we ended up going to the museum and checking out the African section, which I haven’t done yet. To be honest it was a little disappointing. As the country that raped and pillaged the globe in search of artifacts, I would have expected that the Brits would have amassed a more substantial exhibit from the continent that essentially gave birth to civilization. What they had on display seemed to be very recent ‘finds’ and even then, it was more like a contemporary art exhibition. I didn’t take many photos; just some of tribal head-dresses and carvings. I was pretty moved by the guns exhibit, where a few sculptures had been made entirely out of firearms. Of the 70million or so guns in the continent, not one of them has actually been made there apparently. Rachel and I left pretty early because she was ill, and I had to get my study notes ready for my exams. On the way, we stopped by a phone box because I hadn’t done the touristy thing of taking a photo with a phone box yet. I opened the door to step inside so that the photo would show the ridiculous amount of postcard advertisements for prostitutes pasted all over the inside of these boxes, but the stench that emanated from within as soon as I’d opened the door was like a brick wall falling on my head. Gross! The photos show a couple of shots from the front of the National Gallery. These were actually taken on a different day but were just put into this set because there were so few of them.

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